Botox Isn’t Just for Your Face

Most adults are familiar with Botox. This injectable has been used for well over a decade to reduce the signs of aging on the upper face. As tends to happen when a product or treatment has been around for a long time, and when it is well-known for a particular benefit, Botox may get sold short on some occasions. Here, we discuss another way that Botox can support a youthful face.

The face is not the only part of the body that ages. We all realize this. Along with the skin on the face, the neck is prone to certain signs of aging that relate to muscle movements. On the skin below the chin, it is common to see horizontal bands. We call these platysmal bands because they relate to the use of the platysma muscles. When these bands become visible, Botox can be used to smooth them.

How Botox Works on the Neck

Botox is a neurotoxin, a drug that acts on the muscles to prevent strong contractions. The purified toxin protein in Botox attaches to neuroreceptors in targeted muscles, preventing chemical reactions. For a few months after injections, the treated muscles remain relaxed. In this state, they cannot make the skin move. This allows bands on the neck to smooth out. On average, treatment needs to be repeated every 3 to 6 months to keep neck skin smooth and young-looking.

Who is a Candidate for Botox Neck Treatment?

Botox is commonly used on the neck to correct:

  • Mild to moderate tissue laxity around platysmal bands
  • Visible horizontal bands

Adults who have concerns that extend beyond these, such as submental fullness or severely saggy skin below the chin, may combine Botox with other treatments, such as chin liposuction. A neck lift may also be considered in some cases.

Convenient Treatment with No Downtime

One of the reasons patients appreciate Botox for neck rejuvenation is that treatment is convenient and easy to recover from. Injections are administered by a licensed, trained professional in the comfort of a private treatment room. The entire appointment typically lasts no more than half an hour. After Botox injections, patients may have small areas of redness and swelling. This subsides within a few hours and is usually so mild that patients can return to normal activities without complication. As Botox affects the muscle, skin gradually looks smoother. By one week after injections, the full effects of Botox are usually visible.

Your neck can age your face, but it doesn’t have to. Call our Reno office at (775) 826-4477to learn more about Botox for the neck.

Schedule A Consultation

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What happens in a consultation?

01. Get to know Dr. Dahan and his team.

02. Discuss your unique goals and concerns.

03. Receive a personalized procedure plan.

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