Breast Augmentation and the Influence of Age

A sense of dissatisfaction with one’s breasts can occur at any life stage. Younger women sometimes feel that their natural breast size is not complementary to their overall body shape. Older women (or younger women who have breastfed) may feel unhappy with the way that life has altered the shape and size of their breasts. These feelings aren’t just frustrating, they can affect how a woman feels about herself and how she clothes herself. For many women who would like to feel better about their shape, breast augmentation is a good decision.

For breast augmentation to be successful, which it typically is according to RealSelf ratings, all that is necessary is alignment between the patient’s concerns and the purpose of surgery. Of course, age is also a factor that needs to be discussed. Here, we outline the influence that age can have on breast enhancement surgery.

Breast Enhancement in Your 20s

Women in their twenties are often excellent candidates for breast augmentation due to their vitality and overall good health. At this age, skin elasticity is usually still very good and healing occurs nicely. The primary factor in undergoing breast surgery at a younger age is that the breasts are fully developed. Continued breast growth after breast augmentation could negatively affect body proportions. Additionally, it is vital that patients sincerely question their reason for wanting breast augmentation. Young women are often under the most pressure to look a certain way, and altering the body to fit a certain image may ultimately make a woman feel less empowered than more so.

Breast Enhancement in Your 30s

Most breast augmentation surgeries are performed on women in their thirties. This age category is usually still in optimal health and able to recover well with minimal scarring. Additionally, surgeons find that thirty-something patients tend to have a more mature outlook on their appearance and life. They have realistic expectations and are generally clear about what they wish to accomplish. One thing that surgeons may take into account is a woman’s intentions to have children in the near future, seeing that pregnancy could affect the outcome of breast augmentation.

Breast Enhancement in Your 40s

Women in their forties often have the easiest time fitting surgery into their lives. They have an established career and usually have no intention of becoming pregnant in the future. Forty-something women often choose breast augmentation to counter the effects of pregnancy, breastfeeding, and age. In addition to restoring fullness with breast implants, these women may also undergo a breast lift to perfect shape and projection.

Breast Enhancement at Age 50 and Beyond

There is no stopping point when a woman can no longer consider the value of breast enhancement. Women in their fifties and beyond have often spent a good portion of their lives caring for others. They have reached a point where they can turn their attention toward their own needs and wants. As long as a woman is a nonsmoker and is in good health breast augmentation and a breast lift can remain a viable option.

Regardless of your age, we welcome you to visit our Reno office in person to discuss your concerns and goals for your shape. Schedule your consultation at (775) 826-4477.

Schedule A Consultation

Please fill out the form below or give us a call to schedule your appointment.

What happens in a consultation?

01. Get to know Dr. Dahan and his team.

02. Discuss your unique goals and concerns.

03. Receive a personalized procedure plan.

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