Attractive young woman in underwear smiling while standing

Here’s Why People are Having Plastic Surgery

Attractive young woman in underwear smiling while standing Have you heard that plastic surgery procedures increased during the pandemic we seem to be finally finding our way out of? If you did, you might be wondering why. It used to be that plastic surgery was something a person did when they could no longer live with severe signs of aging. It used to be something people did hoping that no one would know. Not anymore. We know what plastic surgery can do and more and more people want to experience the benefits that plastic surgery can offer.

Here, we review some of the most common reasons to have plastic surgery.

  • Lines and wrinkles. We can make some bit of difference in the appearance of lines and wrinkles using non-surgical treatments. Injectables are the most popular, but energy-based skin-tightening can also be a valuable option. Still, some people choose plastic surgery to correct concerns like worry lines, frown lines, and crow’s feet with more definitive outcomes. Doing so may relieve them from the need to schedule touch-up treatments every few months.
  • Loose skin. The skin on the face and body is affected by several forces of nature. We’ve got the force of gravity to contend with, the absorption of UV light, and many other factors that influence how our tissue ages. Loose skin seems inevitable in the vast majority of people. This change in tissue tightness can contribute to a soft jawline, jowls, nasolabial folds, a double chin, and a turkey neck. Facelift and neck lift surgery provide natural-looking contouring that lasts many years.
  • Mom- and Dad-Bod. We talk a lot about the mommy makeover process and how it can help women essentially customize their bodies. The series of procedures that go into a mommy makeover are carefully selected after a thorough conversation between doctor and patient, and these techniques restore beautiful contours. Let’s not forget about Dad’s though! Men are also showing interest in plastic surgery to resolve problems like gynecomastia, excess fat, and loose abdominal tissue.
  • Excess skin. There is loose skin. There are body contouring issues related to parenthood and aging, and then there is excess skin. Some moms know what we’re talking about, as do most people who have lost a significant amount of weight. Excess skin and tissue sag and droop because there is a lack of elasticity. Skin and tissue that stretches too far may not bounce back. Abdominoplasty is one procedure that can correct redundant tissue. In other situations, patients may benefit the most from a body lift, thigh lift, or other contouring procedure.
  • Reconstruction. A woman’s health care team during cancer treatment may consist of several specialists. A plastic surgeon can play a critical role in breast cancer treatment by performing breast reconstruction at the time of mastectomy or thereafter. Many women report that their breast reconstruction was the final step in feeling like themselves again.

Ultimately, regardless of the kind of plastic surgery a person chooses, the reward is that they feel more confident in their appearance. We can see this in the faces of our patients when we meet with them after surgery. They feel like themselves. Their appearance matches how they feel on the inside, and that is incredibly rewarding. To explore your plastic surgery options at our Reno office, contact us at (775) 826-4477.

Schedule A Consultation

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What happens in a consultation?

01. Get to know Dr. Dahan and his team.

02. Discuss your unique goals and concerns.

03. Receive a personalized procedure plan.

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