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Want a Refresher? We’ve Got the Lift for You!

istock 1094307234 1 Statistics in plastic surgery have shown us a few things. One is that, while many adults are interested in facial rejuvenation, they don’t want to look “done.” Misconceptions about the severity of a facelift are not completely unfounded. We’ve all seen the evidence in magazines or online. Celebrities or everyday folks venture out to correct the signs of aging and end up looking perpetually surprised or windblown. We’re not going to say that you shouldn’t be careful when seeking worthwhile solutions to the signs of aging. What we will say is that surgery can be incredibly rewarding when conducted by an experienced plastic surgeon.

Dr. Dahan understands the dual-objective of looking refreshed and not looking done. To help his patients achieve their desired outcomes, he developed the RefreshLift™. This procedure is not the same as a mini facelift. It is a signature alternative that Dr. Dahan developed using advanced suturing techniques to elegantly lift loose muscle, fat, and skin on the face and neck.

The RefreshLift is an outpatient procedure performed in an outpatient surgical suite. It is often done with local anesthesia and a mild sedative. In some cases, general anesthesia is used. During the few hours of surgery, Dr. Dahan makes incisions behind and in front of the ears to conservatively manipulate the superficial muscular aponeurotic system, a foundational layer of tissue. The fatty tissue that contours the cheeks is repositioned and the neck muscle is lifted using directional sutures. The lifting and tightening technique employed limits tension on the skin, resulting in a beautiful, natural-looking appearance.

Why Choose the RefreshLift™ Facelift

Since 2001, the RefreshLift™ Facelift has been the primary facelift technique that Dr. Dahan performs. Our patients achieve that natural-looking rejuvenation they want with minimal downtime. The conservative technique causes less swelling and bruising than a full facelift and can be done without general anesthesia in most cases. The recovery period is relatively quick, with most patients returning to work in a week to 10 days. When they do return to normal activities, they do so looking years younger. Because this minor surgical technique repositions fat, muscle, and skin, results from the procedure are expected to last 7 to 10 years.

Ready to feel Refreshed? Contact our Reno office at (775) 826-4477 to schedule your consultation for the RefreshLift™ Facelift.

Schedule A Consultation

Please fill out the form below or give us a call to schedule your appointment.

What happens in a consultation?

01. Get to know Dr. Dahan and his team.

02. Discuss your unique goals and concerns.

03. Receive a personalized procedure plan.

How may we help?

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Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.

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Office Hours

M-Th: 9am - 5pm
F: 9am - 1pm
Sat & Sun: Closed

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