With Convenient Treatment Options, You Don’t have to Look Your Age

Looking your age may have been something you desired when you were in your teens or early adult years. As time has passed, though, the development of lines and creases around the eyes, nose, and mouth may have changed your perspective. Aging is something that will affect the body in several ways. Fortunately, there are numerous strategies for correcting these changes, or even for keeping them at bay for years.

In our Reno office, we believe in the power of nonsurgical technologies. It is our pleasure to help patients not look their age, but to look the way they feel on the inside. Our services are not limited to facial rejuvenation, either. Some of the common techniques that can renew your sense of self include:


One of the major body changes that creates concern is the accumulation of excess fatty tissue. This may be due to diet and exercise but is often related to the change in connective tissue and also to fluctuating hormones. CoolSculpting is an excellent treatment for reducing small areas of stubborn fat not only on the body but also under the chin. Common treatment areas include the abdomen, flanks, thighs, backs of the arms, and double-chin.


Collagen loss occurs everywhere on the body, which is why we begin to notice sagging skin above the knees, on the neck and lower face, and even on the abdomen. Where CoolSculpting is a great solution for unwanted fat, ThermiTight is the technology we turn to when skin needs to be tightened. Treatment is conducted with a local anesthetic so no discomfort occurs. A small probe is inserted beneath the skin, where radiofrequency energy heats deeper tissue to cause lasing contraction. ThermiTight can be performed on the abdomen, thighs, neck, and face.


Along with the skin and superficial tissues, the lining of the vaginal canal also loosens with age. This may be due in part to childbirth, but the loss of collagen also contributes to the laxity that seems to worsen with age. ThermiVa is a painless radiofrequency treatment that gently heats the vaginal mucosa to stimulate collagen remodeling. Many women report improvement starting after their very first treatment. ThermiVa can correct several problems at once, including poor lubrication, painful intercourse, and urinary incontinence related to vaginal atrophy.

Our experienced staff has many more ways to help you feel your best. To schedule your consultation with us, call  (775) 826-4477.

Schedule A Consultation

Please fill out the form below or give us a call to schedule your appointment.

What happens in a consultation?

01. Get to know Dr. Dahan and his team.

02. Discuss your unique goals and concerns.

03. Receive a personalized procedure plan.

How may we help?

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M-Th: 9am - 5pm
F: 9am - 1pm
Sat & Sun: Closed

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