istock 636100006

How to Get a Better Jawline

istock 636100006 The whole 2020 situation changed the way many people live. The need for social distancing sent many people into a work-from-home scenario. As a result, we’ve seen an uptick in complaints about facial aging and the ways in which the face changes over time. Looking at oneself on FaceTime, Zoom, and other video chats can become distracting when what one sees is loose, sagging facial and neck skin. Searches like “how to get a better jawline” can lead to frustration. Such a search can lead to promising at-home devices and exercises that claim to reverse age-related changes in the skin. We think we have better options and will share them with you here. 

Nonsurgical Treatments for the Jawline

  • Kybella. This injectable treatment targets the fat that accumulates beneath the skin. While Kybella does not tighten the skin, it can work nicely with other treatments that do. The purpose of this treatment is to destroy the fat that causes a double chin. 
  • CoolSculpting. Like Kybella, CoolSculpting is a fat-reducing treatment. This procedure does not involve injections. It works by freezing fat cells, allowing the body to naturally eliminate them.
  • Fillers. If jowls have just started to soften the jawline, dermal fillers may be an ideal fix. These injectable products can be added to the cheeks to increase contouring. Doing so can subtly lift sagging skin at the jawline. Targeted injection techniques can also be used to disguise sagging tissue and make the jawline look more angular. 
  • ThermiTight. This minimally invasive treatment can profoundly tighten the skin in a single treatment. ThermiTight works by depositing radiofrequency energy beneath the skin, not through it, to achieve more significant collagen remodeling. 

Surgical Treatments to Sculpt the Lower Face

  • RefreshLift™. Dr. Dahan developed the RefreshLift suturing technique to provide a minimally-invasive yet highly effective alternative to traditional facelift surgery. This is the technique that most of our facelift patients select.
  • MiniLift. This in-office facelift procedure is performed with local anesthesia and takes less than an hour. A modified version of the RefreshLift™, the MiniLift tightens the deep tissues of the face as well as the skin  using shorter incisions and less dissection than a traditional facelift.
  • Facelift. A full facelift can be performed when necessary. From our experience using the previously mentioned techniques, full facelift surgery is typically needed only for severe signs of aging.

Feel your best on future video chats! Contact our Reno office at (775) 826-4477 to schedule a consultation for facial rejuvenation. 

Schedule A Consultation

Please fill out the form below or give us a call to schedule your appointment.

What happens in a consultation?

01. Get to know Dr. Dahan and his team.

02. Discuss your unique goals and concerns.

03. Receive a personalized procedure plan.

How may we help?

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