istock 519676858

Tummy Tuck Recovery: Here’s How to Make it Better

istock 519676858 Patients who are interested in abdominoplasty to flatten and firm their tummies have often heard that the recovery period after this procedure can be rough. We won’t paint it as something it’s not, but also don’t want patients to feel frightened that their post-surgical experience will be awful. Goodness! If getting a tummy tuck were so bad, no one would have this procedure done! If you’re thinking about how much you would love to have a flat, sculpted midsection, we want you to know how to manage your recovery well. Here, we discuss a few particulars to get you started with your recovery planning. 

Post-Surgery Diet and Activity

Many people interested in body sculpting already eat a healthy diet. They already exercise regularly. We can say this with confidence because we talk with people all the time about their frustrations at the lack of results they’ve gotten through healthy habits. So, when we bring up the need to eat well after abdominoplasty surgery, it isn’t with the goal of weight management in mind. It is with the goal of supporting post-op comfort. Patients can expect a fair amount of abdominal soreness after their tummy tuck. Digestive incidents like gassiness, bloating, and fluid retention don’t help. To avoid these uncomfortable problems, patients should avoid carbonated beverages and salty foods until they have fully recovered from surgery. 

Once the body has recovered from abdominoplasty, physical activity regains its vital importance to health, longevity, and a shapely body. Until that time, patients are strongly advised to limit their movements. Walking is a must after surgery because it helps prevent blood clots. However, it doesn’t take much walking to meet this goal. Long walks are not encouraged, nor are fast walks, nor is lifting much of anything. The sole priority during recovery is to do just that, recover.

Expect Some Bumps in the Road

As we said, abdominoplasty recovery should not be frightening, but it should be approached with awareness of its complexities. Patients rely on prescription pain medication for several days after abdominoplasty, and most of these medications can cause constipation. Add to that the fact that abdominoplasty is an abdominal procedure, which can also result in some temporary changes, and we have an even greater chance of this potentially uncomfortable condition. Patients should go into their recovery prepared. Armed with a good laxative, they can work against constipation before it starts. 

In addition to causing constipation, prescription pain medications are known for making patients groggy. This can be somewhat advantageous, because patients need to sleep as much as they can to help the body heal. On the flip side, patients also need help with pretty much everything, including grooming, bathing, and using the bathroom. 

Get the facts about tummy tuck surgery. Schedule a visit to our Reno office at (775) 826-4477.

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01. Get to know Dr. Dahan and his team.

02. Discuss your unique goals and concerns.

03. Receive a personalized procedure plan.

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