How to Look More Energized This Holiday Season

When a person feels energized and is lit up about life, it shows in their face. You may be able to imagine a person like this. Maybe that person used to be you. You may still feel fired-up inside, but age may have diminished how your appearance reflects this. When we hear from patients that they feel like they look tired, or when patients hear from others that they look angry or sad, it is usually due to age-related changes in the tissue around the eyes. Here, we suggest a few easy ways that you can refresh your eyes in advance of the holidays.

Problem: Crow’s feet

Correction: Botox®

Crow’s feet are those delicate lines that form at the outer corners of the eyes, at the temples. They develop as a result of muscle movements. When we squint or laugh, the skin in this area gets bunched-up. When the skin is youthful and supported by collagen and elastin, the lines disappear when the face is at rest. Once we start to lose these chemicals, though, crow’s feet (and frown lines, too) stick around. To correct the problem, we relax the muscles that cause these lines. A Botox treatment is so quick that you can schedule a visit and still get your holiday shopping done. Treatment is so affordable that you can gift yourself without neglecting anyone on your holiday shopping list.

Problem: Under Eye Hollows

Correction: Dermal Fillers

It isn’t only the skin that changes with age. Around the eyes, many of us will also lose fatty tissue and bone. The more these structures deteriorate, the more sunken the eyes may appear. Hollows are frustrating because they can coincide with dark circles. Both problems may be addressed with careful injections of an appropriate dermal filler. Additionally, some people get dermal fillers for mild undereye puffiness.

Problem: Puffiness

Correction: Eyelid Surgery

We mentioned that some people get dermal fillers for undereye bags. Depending on how much time you’ve got to recover, how severe your concerns are, and how long you want results to last, you may choose to address undereye bags with blepharoplasty. This minor surgical procedure can reposition the fatty tissue of the upper or lower eyelids and trim excess skin that is contributing to an aged appearance. By about two weeks after surgery, swelling and bruising have all but disappeared.

Schedule a visit to our Reno office now to be well-prepared for a beautiful holiday season. Call (775) 826-4477.

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01. Get to know Dr. Dahan and his team.

02. Discuss your unique goals and concerns.

03. Receive a personalized procedure plan.

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