Top off Your Shape with an Arm Lift

Of the various plastic surgery procedures that are available, the arm lift may be overlooked amidst other techniques that improve body contours and proportions. However, we frequently meet with people who have had a difficult time getting the backs of their arms into the best shape, often due to the signs of aging or effects of significant weight loss. Here, we discuss details of brachioplasty that you need to know.

What Does an Arm Lift Involve?

Brachioplasty is no cookie-cutter procedure; it is customized based on the extent of fat and excess skin a patient has. Some patients can achieve their desired outcome with liposuction alone. In other situations, it is necessary to remove fatty deposits and excess skin that spans from the underarms to the wrists. An arm lift can address each of these extremes and everything in between.

Based on the extent of fat and skin involvement, an arm lift may be conducted through a small, crescent-shaped incision under the arm. For greater tissue involvement, the crescent incision may extend to a modified T shape, providing access to more of the arm.

The entire procedure can take up to four hours, after which the patient spends a short time in the recovery room. Once the anesthesia has begun to wear off, the patient is released to be taken home by a loved one.

Brachioplasty Recovery

If you are considering an arm lift, we would encourage you to prepare for at least one week off work. The more strenuous your job, the longer you will need to recover before returning. A desk job may resume seven to ten days after surgery. More physically demanding jobs may resume after two weeks or more. By four weeks post-op, most normal activities, including exercise, should be acceptable.

The first week of recovery after an arm lift is the most challenging. Bandages may limit mobility and the hands may swell. Drains may also be in place. The arms should not be elevated above the shoulders. It may be necessary to get help with hair-washing and brushing, face washing, and possibly even teeth brushing during this time. Sometime near the end of this first week, dressings will be changed. At this time, the surgeon will observe progress and discuss which activities may be resumed during the second week of healing.

Arm lift surgery can be the icing on the cake of an improved shape. To learn more about this technique, schedule a visit to our Reno office.

Schedule A Consultation

Please fill out the form below or give us a call to schedule your appointment.

What happens in a consultation?

01. Get to know Dr. Dahan and his team.

02. Discuss your unique goals and concerns.

03. Receive a personalized procedure plan.

How may we help?

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