Will My Tummy Tuck Last?

Deciding to have a tummy tuck takes significant consideration. The preparation and investment that goes into this surgery and its recovery need to produce real and lasting results to be worth it, right? One of the biggest questions that we hear from patients considering tummy tuck surgery is whether their results will last indefinitely.

Patients of our Reno office appreciate the fact that tummy tuck surgery can drastically improve the appearance of their midsection. As substantial as the results of this procedure are, the fact remains that time has a way of affecting the body. We age and change on a physical level as a result of that. However, there is reason to believe that the improvements achieved with a tummy tuck can last indefinitely with good habits that maintain weight.

How to Protect the Results of Your Tummy Tuck

Weight is probably the most significant factor in needing a tummy tuck as well as prolonging the effects of this procedure. The abdominal wall has muscles, connective tissue, and skin that all have a decent amount of “give” but that also have a breaking point. Where pregnancy may not affect one person quite so much, another may lose a great deal of elasticity in their skin after giving birth. Likewise, losing a significant amount of weight may result in sagging tissue in one person whereas another person’s skin and muscle may do a better job at bouncing back.

Tummy tuck surgery includes techniques that reconnect muscle that has separated. In this way, the abdomen lies smoother and tighter. Excess skin is also trimmed away during surgery to support the tautness of underlying tissue.

Seeing that a tummy tuck is all about restoring the integrity of abdominal muscles and skin, it is safe to say that results of surgery can last as long as these muscles are not put under stress such as pregnancy or excessive weight gain. Yes, aging inevitably leads to looser skin. However, the muscles tightened during surgery are likely to maintain their flat appearance for many years.

Is Now the Right Time For Your Tummy Tuck?

If weight fluctuations, pregnancy, or other circumstances have diminished your satisfaction with the appearance of your tummy, you may be a great candidate for a tummy tuck. The best results are achieved in patients who do not plan to become pregnant in the future and who are near their ideal weight. To discover what a tummy tuck can do for you, call our Reno office and schedule a consultation.

Schedule A Consultation

Please fill out the form below or give us a call to schedule your appointment.

What happens in a consultation?

01. Get to know Dr. Dahan and his team.

02. Discuss your unique goals and concerns.

03. Receive a personalized procedure plan.

How may we help?

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