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Everything You Want to Know about Lower Blepharoplasty

Eyelid rejuvenation is something that many people find appealing. The eyes are impossible to hide and they play a significant part in the overall vibe of the face. Eyelids that are heavy beneath a drooping brow may make the face look angry. Lower eyelids that are puffy and saggy make the face look tired or unwell. To have blepharoplasty surgery to reshape the upper or lower eyelids doesn’t just make the face look younger, it gives it back its youthful characteristics. Here, we discuss some of the details of lower blepharoplasty.

Lower Blepharoplasty is Customized

No two sets of eyes are identical. Therefore, blepharoplasty is a procedure that can only follow basic technical guidelines. A skilled plastic surgeon knows that surgery can only achieve natural-looking results when it is tailored to the patient’s eye shape, face shape, and the condition of the tissue being targeted. Lower blepharoplasty is performed with an artistic eye that understands the architecture of the upper and mid-face areas. Where one person may only have skin and underlying musculature tightened and trimmed, another may need to have fatty tissue under the eyes repositioned to create the smoothest transition from the upper cheek to the lower eyelid.

What about Results?

The results of lower blepharoplasty include naturally younger-looking eyes. While there is some swelling and bruising after surgery, patients can usually get a good idea of their results immediately after surgery. There is a smoother transition from the eyelids and the cheeks. The eyes look more open and energized. These effects only improve as healing progresses. After 4 to 6 weeks, patients are fully enjoying their new look. What’s more, the results of lower blepharoplasty are long-lasting. Yes, the elasticity of the skin will change over time. However, most patients who have this procedure done never need to repeat it.

Is lower blepharoplasty the only option?

When the lower eyelids are puffy and there is a crease between the upper cheek and eyelid area, lower blepharoplasty is the best procedure for permanent improvements. However, this procedure is not the only option for rejuvenating this part of the face. If you’re not ready for eyelid surgery, you may achieve great results with dermal filler injections. A few injections at the juncture of the upper cheek and lower eyelid adds volume to the crease. This does not correct under-eye puffiness; it disguises it. The effects of dermal filler treatment typically last about 18 months.

If you’ve become distracted by your aging eyes, now is a great time to do something to refresh them. Call our Reno office at (775) 826-4477 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Dahan.

Schedule A Consultation

Please fill out the form below or give us a call to schedule your appointment.

What happens in a consultation?

01. Get to know Dr. Dahan and his team.

02. Discuss your unique goals and concerns.

03. Receive a personalized procedure plan.

How may we help?

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